Learning Disabilities SIG Meeting- Monday 17th October at 11am-12.30pm
The Learning Disabilities Special Interest Group (The Group) exists to provide a forum in the London Borough of Hackney, and City of London, for anyone who has an interest in the provision of services for people with Learning Disabilities.
Draft Agenda- 17 10 2022
1. Welcomes and Introduction
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. LDSIG Term of reference
4. LDSIG Co-chair
5. Photo Symbols
6. Partnership Board Meeting Update
7. Find Your Support Service
8. Reducing the Social Isolation of Older People with Learning Disabilities- 9. Connect Hackney evaluation findings
10. Building Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) resilience in City and Hackney- VCS Assembly
11. Topic of next meeting
12. Date of next meeting
13. Any Other Business
Meeting format- Online
If you do have any questions please email shamima@hcvs.org.uk
October 17th, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Phone: 0207 923 1962
Email: zebina@hcvs.org.uk