Hackney Advice Forum Meeting- Thursday 11th May 2023 at 11am-12.30pm via online

 Registration is closed for this event
The Hackney Advice Forum (HAF) aims to help independent advice agencies in the borough improve the quality, level and co-ordination of their services. The forum provides a network and mechanism for advice agencies and those involved in advice work, to share and learn and develop effective ways of working together; helping the sector to obtain the resources it needs (money, training, information, etc.) to get the best possible outcomes for users and communities; and providing a voice for the independent advice sector locally.


Hackney Advice Forum Agenda - 11/05/2023

  1. Welcomes & Introduction 
  2. Minutes of last meeting 
  3. DWP Local & National Updates:
  • Move to Universal Credit – Customers on legacy benefits will start to be moved over to Universal Credit from May (for Hackney). This will only be focused on a specific customer group in the first instance and will incrementally increase and expand over the next few years.
  • In work progression.
  • Other updates.
  1. Pension Credit and Pre Settle Status 
  2. Hackney Advice Forum Meeting:
  • What do people want to hear in this meeting?.
  • The format of the meeting- does it work for you?.
  • HAF Terms of reference.
  1. Topic for next meeting 
  2. Update from members present in the meeting
  3. Dates for HAF Meeting 
  4. Any Other Business 

If you wish to present at a future meeting or have any questions please email shamima@hcvs.org.uk 

May 11th, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Phone: 02079231962