Anti-racist commissioning workshop 2

 Registration is closed for this event
In this workshop, we will refine commissioning process and build a detailed plan of how to action; develop tangible outcomes around young black people's mental health and 'specification' for organisations to apply to; and align funding 'specification' with commissioning process.

 Please note this session will be taking place in-person at Hoxton Hall, 130 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH

Here's an outline of what to expect from the session:

9:30-10am: Coffee and networking

10-10:20am: Introduction to today's session and recap of how we got here

10:20-10:40am: Reflections on the process so far

10:40-11:25am: Breakouts round 1: either 'Refining the commissioning process' or 'Developing an accessible applicant pack'

11:25-11:40am: Break

11:40am-12:25pm: Breakouts round 2: swapping to the other breakout room

12:25-1pm: Feedback and aligning process/outcomes


The objective's for Tuesday's workshop are:

  • Refine commissioning process and build a detailed plan of how to action

  • Develop tangible outcomes around young black people's mental health and 'specification' for organisations to apply to

  • Align funding 'specification' with commissioning process 

We've putting all the notes on to a shared Google Drive, with folders for each of the sessions. Here's the link:

For more information about the anti-racist commissioning work, including the development of the principles, you'll find them on our website here: 

If you have any questions about this workshop or Hackney CVS's anti-racist commissioning work, please email 

Coproduced project values: 

  • Co-owned / co-produced​ 
  • Learning and impact created throughout the journey​ 
  • Value community resilience and helping communities help themselves​ 
  • Prioritise collaboration ​ 
  • Shared power​ 
  • Emphasis on global majority communities​ 


Coproduced project approach: 

  • Not following 'typical governance' framework with structural/systemic racism built in ​ 
  • Ideas proposed for community to deconstruct and improve ​ 
  • Build on what has been done before and is happening elsewhere 
  • Data to have a 'reasonable' influence  
  • Build evidence of what works and what doesn’t for communities and the health and care system through evaluation 


December 5th, 2023 from  9:30 AM to  1:00 PM
Hoxton Hall
130 Hoxton Street
London, N1 6SH
United Kingdom