Hackney Refugee and Migrant Forum Meeting

 Registration is closed for this event
This is our quarterly forum, where organization that work with Refugees and Migrants come together to discuss, planning, challenges and ongoing agenda's.

Meeting date:  Wednesday 31st January 2023     

Time: 11am - 12:30pm     

Venue: Hackney CVS - The Adiaha Antigha Centre, 24-30 Dalston Lane.   

Chair: Darayus Bharucha

Facilitator: Soraya Akrouche      

1. Welcome and introductions (meeting chair/member of community/facilitator)  

2.  Interfaith dialogue, rise in hate speech and coexistence in Hackney  

3. Black Stock Road- Harassment, migration challenges and collective social aid - Rosalind Miller, Director, Islington Faith Forum  
4. Updates and news from violence against women and girls (Domestic Abuse Intervention Service - Cathal Ryan Lead Officer for Violence Against Women and Girls, Hackney children + families services)  
5. Updates and news from Asylum Seeker Support Programme Manager Adults, Health and Integration-Hackney Council) - Eden Munro Asylum Seeker Support Programme Manager; Adults, Health and Integration. London Borough of Hackney  

6. Dates of next HRMF 

7. AOB 

January 31st, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Adiaha Antigha Centre, 24 – 30 Dalston Lane, Hackney
London, LON E8 3AZ-E8 3AZ
United Kingdom
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Phone: 02079231962