Tools for the Teenage Years 08.2.2020

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As part of our support to parents we have planned two taster sessions and three courses that will take place out of hours for (12 weeks). By the end of the course parents will have the tools to cope with the teenage years  and access to support from parents who previously had children with challenging behaviours or were at risk of exclusion.


You are more that welcome to refer parents or invite parents to contact me directly.

With just 2 hours per week for 12 weeks we want to assist more parents to open their eyes to young people’s journey when they make the transition from primary to secondary school and secondary school to the responsibilities that adults are expected to meet.


Our NVR  sessions are aimed at African, Caribbean parents (ACH) that have children aged 9 - 25yrs.


complete description about the event here. 

February 8th, 2020 from  3:44 PM to  7:42 PM